Wednesday 9 May 2012

Ouzel that girl ?

This female Ring Ouzel spent four days in the garden, suffering constant harassment from the territorial local Blackbirds. Ring Ouzels are the mountain equivalent of Blackbirds, breeding in the uplands of the UK and occur here in single figures most years, mainly in autumn on their way to their wintering grounds in north Africa.

On the third day it was briefly joined by a male, which found the local welcoming committees attention too much ! 

Other migrants are slowly beginning to find their way here bringing the garden list up to 93. These include Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Whitethroat.

It may seem along time ago but there have been a few days when the sun has shone and the temperature risen above 10 degrees ! This warmth prompted the appearance of the first butterflies basking in the sunshine. Amongst them have been Peacock, Comma and Orange Tip.

Another group requiring an increase in temperature before they become active are the reptiles, the first of these to emerge has been the Common Lizard, showing well at times often allowing a close approach.


 The 'Conquered Conker' 2012 RIP. 
"The answer my friend is blowing in the wind".

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