Thursday 29 March 2012


The day got off to a good start with a pre-breakfast milk run to the dairy, resulting in finding a Firecrest calling from the front garden. These little 'crackers' have occurred twice before in the garden both in spring.
This brings the garden list up to 72 for the year, no doubt this will be boosted shortly by the incoming spring arrivals !

With the recent rise in temperature has come an increase in the number of moths caught in the traps. Along with the expected early season species was this Dotted Chestnut. Although not a new species for the farm, we had our first two last year, it is normally associated with the south and south west of the country though has showed a recent easterly expansion, with the first Essex record in 2002.

The other image is of a Pine Beauty, not a scarce moth, but always welcome to see. It raises the question of where they originate from, as the name suggests the larva feed on pines, which are absent from the immediate area.

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